Parish Communications Guidelines

St. Margaret Mary Parish Communications Guidelines

The purpose of this policy is to briefly explain our Parish Communications Strategy and to provide guidelines for the various methods that will be utilized to provide communications in our parish.

Parish Communications Strategy

The intent of our Parish Communications Strategy is to provide a framework for sharing important and timely information that relates to our parish and our Catholic community. This policy will provide clear guidelines and an efficient process for all who submit information for communication.  It will also assist the Pastor and staff as they maintain parish publications.  All information published by our parish will be in alignment with our Mission and Vision Statements and will promote the further building of God’s Kingdom on earth. In keeping with these goals, the following guidelines are provided:


  • Submissions will be reviewed and approved by the Pastor or designate.
  • The Parish reserves the right to edit submissions to correct errors or conserve space as needed.
  • Submissions should be short and concise.
  • Submitters should include contact information (name, phone number, email).

Weekly Bulletin:

  • Submissions must be received by 9 am Monday of the week that the information is to be included in the bulletin.   The bulletin goes to print one week prior to distribution. During holiday seasons, significantly earlier submission deadlines may apply.
  • Submissions should be sent electronically via email to Hardcopy submissions are acceptable. Verbal submissions will not be accepted.
  • Approved submissions will be placed in the bulletin as space allows.

Note: Information concerning ongoing programs and activities will not be printed every week, but will rotate in and out of the bulletin throughout the year. This information may also be printed on the back of the monthly calendar.

Bulletin Inserts:

  • Events that warrant an insert are those that appeal to a large portion of the parish.
  • Inserts for a specific event will be included in the bulletin only once per calendar year.
  • The submitter will be required to provide 400 copies and volunteers to “stuff” the inserts into the bulletins the week of publication.

Note: Please remember that inserts will not be shown when viewing the bulletin online.  For this reason, it may be preferable to submit the information for inclusion in the bulletin instead of as an insert.

Bulletin Boards:

  • A limited amount of space is available, and approved postings may be removed to make room for new information as needed.
  • No business ads please.

Digital Information Display:

  • The Digital Information Displays, located in the Gathering Space and in the PAC, are designed to offer a quick glimpse of select information. This information is typically taken from the weekly bulletin announcements.

Email Blasts:

  • Weekly emails are sent from the parish to subscribers.  These emails provide select information from the bulletin and may include reminders of upcoming events. (To subscribe, please email

Pulpit Announcements:

We gather as a parish to celebrate our reconciliation to the Father through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. Announcements at the end of Mass should be minimal.  The bulletin and other methods of communication are available to provide information to our parish.

  • Pulpit announcements must be submitted by Thursday morning to be considered for the following weekend’s announcements.
  • Submissions should be sent electronically via email to Hardcopy submissions are acceptable.  Verbal submissions will not be accepted.
  • Announcements are NOT allowed to be written in the binder before weekend Masses. Generally, after printing, the only allowed additions would be due to the death of a parishioner or family member of a parishioner who is to be remembered during the Universal Prayer of the Church.

Web Site:
The purpose of the parish website is to:

  • Provide general information for visitors and the community at large.
  • Provide information on Parish Ministries (for volunteers and those in need).
  • Provide information on the Sacraments (including prep).
  • Provide the Mass schedule.
  • Provide the parish calendar.

Please email  for changes to leadership/ministry contact information, ministry descriptions, etc.


Facebook posts include bulletin items, reminders of upcoming events, general information, and photos of past events.

Parish Information Center:

The Parish Information Center in the Gathering Space will provide visitors and parishioners with the following:

  • Information regarding the various ministries offered by our parish, including contact information.
  • Monthly Parish Calendar and Ministry Schedules.
  • Parish Directory and Parish History.
  • Misc. items such as holy cards, prayers, etc. as approved by the Pastor or designate.


Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 12:00pm
Saturday 8:00am

Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday 8:30am, 11:00am

Reconciliation (Confession)
Friday 10:50 am- 11:50 am
Saturday 3pm-4pm





Saturday, Mar. 29, 2025
  • Reconciliation (Confession)

    Saturday, Mar. 29, 2025 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    See more details

  • Rosary

    Saturday, Mar. 29, 2025 @ 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
    Church before 5:30 pm Vigil Mass

    See more details

  • Vigil Mass

    Saturday, Mar. 29, 2025 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

    See more details