
Education and Evangelization Ministries

The David G. Mader Parish Library
and Media Resource Center

Contact: The Parish Library is available to all registered parishioners.

Our collection focuses on Catholic teachings, Scripture, prayer, Christian-living, saints, Mary, and Christian-themed fiction and non-fiction.  All parish members are encouraged to borrow books.  Located in the Parish Hall Conference Room, the self-service Library is available to all parishioners. The library is open anytime the Parish Hall is open. Books are arranged in broad categories (for example: Inspirational, Saints, and Catechesis) and it is a great place to just browse.

Virtus Training

Contact: Terri Blaker –, (304)-615-0029

Virtus training sessions, which take only one evening, teach adults how to protect children from sexual abuse. Training builds awareness of the signs of child sexual abuse, methods by which offenders commit abuse, and five easy steps to prevent it. Awareness and education can be major steps in identifying potential abuse and can help in minimizing its long-term effects. Our diocese requires that all who work in ministries dealing with children, complete this training, which is offered frequently at our parish or online at

Parkersburg Catholic High School

Contact: (304) 485-6341

P.C.H.S. is a college-preparatory high school that blends academic standards, strong moral values, and genuine concern for every individual. The school’s objective is to help students become active, competent, contributing members of the future. The academic program consistently enables students to reach their fullest intellectual potential, and the no-cut athletic programs frequently generate championship-caliber teams in 11 Varsity sports. Students’ religious and service work teaches personal responsibility and a compassion for others that last a lifetime. See for more information.

Parkersburg Catholic Elementry Schools

Contact:  (304) 422-6694

P.C.E.S. enrolls students from grades pre-school through six. The school has an active Parent/Teacher Organization, which welcomes volunteer involvement in the school (e.g., lunch aides, teacher aides, library aides). Grades one through six are located in the main building at the corner of 9th and Juliana Streets, while the pre-school and kindergarten classes are held in a building on Fairview Avenue near P.C.H.S (


Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 12:00pm
Saturday 8:00am

Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday 8:30am, 11:00am

Reconciliation (Confession)
Friday 10:50 am- 11:50 am
Saturday 3pm-4pm





Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2025
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2025
  • Stitchers/Quilters

    Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2025 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
    Parish Hall

    Meet every Wed.. For more info. contact Marilyn Maher 304-428-7424

    See more details