
Sacramental Preparation Marriage

Contact: Fr. Abraham P. Schariah 304-435-4503

Couples are asked to contact pastor 6 months in advance. In addition to attending an Engaged Encounter Weekend, couples complete the FOCUS questionnaire and meet with the priest or deacon preparing them for marriage (a minimum of 4 sessions).

Sacramental Preparation Baptism

Contact: Fr. Abraham P. Schariah 304-435-4503

Parents of infants are required to register and attend preparation instructions prior to the celebration of the Sacrament. Couples from the parish are the instructors. Children 4 years and older are required to attend preparation instructions prior to Baptism. Please call for more information and to register for a class.

Sacramental Preparation Reconciliation

Contact: Amanda Slone (304)-991-5191,

Preparation for this sacrament includes regular student classes during the Parish School of Religion, a special parent session on Reconciliation, and a parent-student retreat day. This occurs from September through December.

Sacramental First Communion

Contact: Amanda Slone (304)-991-5191,

Preparation for this sacrament includes regular student classes during the Parish School of Religion, a special parent session on the Eucharist, and a parent-student retreat day. This occurs from January through April. First Communion Mass is celebrated the first Sunday of May.

Sacramental Preparation Confirmation

Contact: David Slone 304-588-7433

Any student in the ninth grade and older may attend preparation classes, offered every other year. These sessions involve parents as well. Next session begins in September 2025.


Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 12:00pm
Saturday 8:00am

Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday 8:30am, 11:00am

Reconciliation (Confession)
Friday 10:50 am- 11:50 am
Saturday 3pm-4pm





Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2025
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2025
  • Stitchers/Quilters

    Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2025 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
    Parish Hall

    Meet every Wed.. For more info. contact Marilyn Maher 304-428-7424

    See more details