Sacramental Preparation Marriage
Contact: Fr. Abraham P. Schariah 304-435-4503
Couples are asked to contact pastor 6 months in advance. In addition to attending an Engaged Encounter Weekend, couples complete the FOCUS questionnaire and meet with the priest or deacon preparing them for marriage (a minimum of 4 sessions).
Sacramental Preparation Baptism
Contact: Fr. Abraham P. Schariah 304-435-4503
Parents of infants are required to register and attend preparation instructions prior to the celebration of the Sacrament. Couples from the parish are the instructors. Children 4 years and older are required to attend preparation instructions prior to Baptism. Please call for more information and to register for a class.
Sacramental Preparation Reconciliation
Contact: Amanda Slone (304)-991-5191,
Preparation for this sacrament includes regular student classes during the Parish School of Religion, a special parent session on Reconciliation, and a parent-student retreat day. This occurs from September through December.
Sacramental First Communion
Contact: Amanda Slone (304)-991-5191,
Preparation for this sacrament includes regular student classes during the Parish School of Religion, a special parent session on the Eucharist, and a parent-student retreat day. This occurs from January through April. First Communion Mass is celebrated the first Sunday of May.
Sacramental Preparation Confirmation
Contact: David Slone 304-588-7433
Any student in the ninth grade and older may attend preparation classes, offered every other year. These sessions involve parents as well. Next session begins in September 2025.