Leadership and Advisory Ministries
Parish Pastoral Council
Contact: Michelle McClung 304-482-7604
The work of the Parish Pastoral Council is central to the life of the parish. Its role is to lead the parish community in living out the Parish Mission Statement. At their meetings, members meet to develop goals, objectives, and efforts that focus on and further this Mission. Meetings are prayer-centered and recommended actions are determined through a process of discernment and consensus. Council members engage in the spiritual formation of the Council itself.
The Council gathers information from a wide range of parishioners, including through parish-wide assemblies. It discerns goals and objectives to be met in the next 2 to 5 years. The planning process is focused on the seven elements of parish life: Evangelization, Worship, Word, Community, Service, Stewardship, Leadership – with Eucharist at the center.
The Parish Pastoral Council works in conjunction with Parish Finance Council and the Service and Liturgy Committee in building the Kingdom of God. Each Council has its own role (time, talent and treasure). Pastoral Council’s responsibility is to plan how the parish can uses its ‘time’ to build the Kingdom.
The pastor, members of the Pastoral Team, and 9 – 12 women and men parishioners compose the Council. Meetings are held in the evenings, usually the first Monday of the month, September through June. As members leave the Council, new Council members are identified through a discernment process. If you have a need, an idea for improving our parish, or even a complaint, do not hesitate to call a Council member!
Council Members at Large: Kathy Eddy, Marshall Griffin, Marilyn Maher, Michele McClung, Arlis Miller, and Diane Shaw
Ex-Officio members: Very Rev. J. Stephen Vallelonga, Deacon John Maher, Deacon Steve Wharton, and Deacon Jerry Showalter
Service and Liturgy Team (SALT)
Contact: Deacon Steve Wharton swharton61@gmail.com
This leadership group is charged with the mission of nurturing and strengthening the liturgical life of the parish. The team meets several times a year to do overall planning for the liturgical seasons (e.g. Advent, Lent) and organize special liturgies. They also serve the parish by coordinating the educational training and direction of other liturgical ministries. The members work as a team to match parishioner talents to ministry needs, identify leaders, serve as a resource for the ministries, and provide education and spiritual formation of ministry leaders and members.
Parish Finance Council
Contact: Ty Snodgrass ty.snodgrass2@gmail.com
The Parish Finance Council is responsible for setting the parish budget; reviewing income, expenditures, and bookkeeping; and doing long range financial planning for our parish. Membership to the Parish Finance Council is by appointment; if you would like to share your expertise in finance, please call the parish office, and you will be considered the next time there’s an opening on the Finance Council.